Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Archangel Michael – Electric Blue – Divine Will and Joy

“Call upon me in times of fear. I will guide you through the many trials and tribulations of life by offering you my divine protection. See my light spiralling around you keeping your safe. I am with you.”

Michael’s positivity very quickly transmutes our negative thoughts as well as dispelling the negative actions of others. Visualise him standing in front of you and ask for his divine protection. His sword of light has a powerful blue ray which brings in love, compassion and healing. It is known the sword of truth. Archangel Michael asks that we learn to “trust” in who we are by feeling the light of truth and honour (integrity). His sword of light guides us when we are lost. He illuminates our path and brings us out of darkness. He is by our side at times of need. He heals our hearts and brings in light love and compassion. Ask for him to be with you when fearful or alone especially when you going on any journey through life. He can also be called upon when going on a journey in your car. Some people say that his sword of light represents “Christ Consciousness.” This energy has a high frequency energy which helps dissolve illusions and brings wisdom. His light of truth enables us to move forward by releasing. Christ consciousness is much evolved energy which is here now to help humanity evolve. This energy is accessible to anyone who asks. It is important for me to say that there are angels mentioned in many different religions and they do not belong solely to Christianity. For ease of purpose I have referred to the Angels as (him but they could just as easily be her).

Meditation for Releasing

We can call upon Archangel Michael to help release us from situations in life that no longer serve us. If you are finding it hard to move on from someone in your life, but you know in your heart that the situation isn’t right he is always there to help.

First, visualise you and the other person standing in a figure of 8 made of golden light. Ask Archangel Michael to release you both with love and light and wisdom so that you can both move forward. It could be the case that you need to do this in order to step forward on your path and the person is (although not always intentionally holding you back). See Michael cutting any cords between you with his powerful sword. As the cords are released the two circles part and they become separate. They remain as two very strong circles of light. Each person is protected by the powerful light but they are released from each other. Thank Michael for help and divine protection.
See your friend stepping away from you in his or her own circle of light smiling and happy and give thanks.

Archangel Gabriel - known as bringer or messenger – primarily associated with compassion.

Gabriel is the 8th Archangel. Gabriel with Michael rule over the aetheric soul which give light to soul and body but astrologically he rules the moon (emotions of the soul) Cancer.
Gabriel is the source for our inspiration and imagination. He helps us express our creativity as he shines divine light and celebrates our individuality. Gabriel’s energy is relentless as he guides humanity and points us in the right direction. At times we feel “like lost sheep” but he is always there as a pillar of strength and encouragement. When we get stuck and don’t know which way to turn he acts as a sign post for us and enables us move forward. He also helps with new creative ideas. His energy is very strongly associated with creation, birth and maternity. He helps our confidence and enables us to move forward with love and awareness. He is extremely strong and helps us to confront our own barriers and reflect upon our limiting beliefs! He is gentle kind and re-assuring and can also be called upon to comfort and heal our pain. I see Gabriel pointing his finger like a guiding star who is giving us both direction and wisdom. Trust in Gabriel as he can bring balance, inspiration and wisdom to us by showing “a clear way forward”. He brings positive messages and assures us that it is safe for us to be powerful. He also helps us understand our dreams and enhances intuition and clairvoyance as Gabriel rules those going beyond the astral. He can be seen in the Tarot as blowing a trumpet on Judgement Day!

Rays Silver and Deep Blue- Planet Neptune
Crystal for confidence – Citrine
Dream recall – Red Jasper placed under the pillow

Archangel Raphael - The Healer - Integration

Raphael enables our chakras to receive more light. Call upon him and feel the integration of body, mind and spirit joining together. His main purpose is to renew and change as we leave the old in comes the new. Sometimes we don’t find it easy to accept the old because we feel stuck or not good enough in some way to accept and embrace the new but Raphael helps with transition.
His energy is very strong and powerful and his healing transcends all time and space. Raphael is extremely virtuous. He has emerald green light in his halo and he uses this green or emerald energy to help with healing. We can ask Raphael to help us and use the emerald green light for our own healing.

Crystals for Healing – Heart Chakra - Green Emeralds, Rose Quartz.

Uriel – God is my Light -Divine Fire – Keeper of Earth Mysteries

Uriel is both an Archangel and a cherub or Seraph angel. He is above us and oversees us but he is very responsible for our connection to planet earth. He helps us with repentance by washing away our negativity as we learn to forgive others and ourselves (in religious terms this is known as repentance). He holds a disc of tarnished copper reminding us of the stability of our connection through the earth. He represents our security and search for stability and our confidence of success! He is often seen as an emblem of a bull extremely strong and determined as well as there is no holding him back. He watches over thunder and terror and unleashes our inner wisdom.
He is both a hurricane and a calm sea. He is the angel of the southerly fair wind. He stands at the gate of Eden with his sword of fire. He is very much connected to the elemental realms or nature spirits which restore harmony beauty and balance. He is associated with electricity and fire/solar energy.

Planet – Uranus – metal - copper – his rays golden orange, rose and purple. Perception
Crystals – Amethyst for perception, Angelite to connect to the wisdom of the angels.

Jennifer Lynch

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