Thursday, 4 June 2009

Rainbow's End, Unit 3, Old Fox Yard Stowmarket.

Hello, this is to let you all know about what a great little shop Rainbow's End is in Stowmarket, they only have a small space but sell practically everything in the way of new age/hippy goods from body jewellery to candles and clothes. The owner there Karen is absolutely fantastic and she lets me use the upstairs area for my angel card readings and angelic aura drawings so if you are interested please get in touch. I am also able to give Reiki, Massage and balancing of the chakras at the shop also as the upstairs area has a couch as well as all the mod cons. So if you fancy a shopping trip to Stowmarket and a reading or healing it may be just the job or a reading and healing combined treatment. There are also a number of workshops and also belly dancing plus many other things going on, so do take a look. Please pick up a copy of Inspirations as I have a poem called I am a Rainbow in there this month.

You will see from my website that I am quite busy this year and that I have quite a full schedule as I also have a "normal" job as a support worker as well. What is a normal job, well normal is termed as not unconventional yet as it is so important now that we are integrated and learn to stand in our own power, I guess I am an unconventional support worker! Does it really matter anyway if we are a little quirky around the edges as long as we do a good job. We have to be who we are and not a clone of what is expected of us. I noticed in the Apprentice last night that Alan and his colleagues gave that poor girl a bit of a hard time for being too perfect which is a classic example of the expectations that are put on us to conform to be someone we arent and then nobody really being able to jell with us.

So if you fancy a little bit of not quite the norm but you wish to find out where you are heading, either you are at a sign post again or you are stuck for the first time. Please either call me or email me details on the website.

Always remember that we are individuals and sometimes are lessons are hard and it isnt always possible for us to go on leaps and bounds all the time. Be kind to you, you are worth it.

Love & Light
Jennifer Lynch

1 comment:

  1. It's super to see a fellow writer out there on my door step!
    I am pretty new to the blogging experience but then again computers can sometimes wind me up much to the amusement of my husband who works in IT. However it is something I'm wishing to embrace from now on.
    I know the Old Fox Yard pretty well as I actually live in Stowmarket (Chilton Hall area) at the moment, however I haven't been there for a bit but it does seem to change fairly regularly down there (a sign of the times I suppose).
    I loved watching the apprentice, although it was like like watching a bunch of my school kids at times in the way they bickered and bitched with each other (i'm a teacher!) but I was a little surprised by who Sir Alan chose in the end.
    I understand completely where you're coming from with regards to ups and downs in life, i think we all have a fair share of this when all is said and done. I think its how you deal with it in the end (although knock backs etc can be a bit soul destroying at times). I think as long as you have the full support of those around you you can always rise above it and push on. It's the ones who don't have support from such people that I feel really sorry for.
